Oct 16, 2018 | The Future

What will Intention Interfaces look like?(Ask A Futurist series, #5)

Oct 16, 2018 | The Future


Written by Travis Kellerman


Set our intention, control the outcomes. This is how we talk to AI and learning machines

AI systems are taking on more automatable reasoning. We hand over decisions we deem appropriate. Someone, somewhere has handed off the decision power, writing algorithmic scripts for machines to follow ifs and thens.

App developers already know the user interface and experience is critical for engagement. In this 5th edition of Ask A Futurist, QuHarrison Terry, Alexey Sokolin, Lee Cocking, Kurt Cagle, and Travis Kellerman imagine answers to the question:

What will the intention-setting interfaces of the future look like?

QuHarrison: (via video flow, repping Inevitable Human)
The oft’ experienced frustration of too many thoughts and too slow interfaces to capture them all.

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