The Electric Vehicle Highway of America, built by the States
Written by Travis Kellerman
In 2019, it wasn’t clear that Biden would be President. After the lack of COVID response and leadership by the Federal government, it seemed dubious that the Feds would be building an EV Charger Network for America. Now, Biden hasproposed this very undertakingfor his first term. This is how a nationwide charger network might have been built, or could still be built, by the states when the Federal government fails to act.
In September of 2019, twenty-two states joined together to oppose the rollback of California’s authority to set higher emission standards by the President. Two things were clear. First, states can collaborate when the federal government slows the cause of sustainability. Second, passing laws that restrict traditional vehicle emissions has been the main tool for states to reduce emissions. That’s fine. But regulations alone don’t help the bigger transition to Electric Vehicles as a standard. We need to build the Electric Vehicle Highway of America.

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