by traviskellerman | Feb 5, 2019 | Philosophy, The Future
AI Dystopia in balance, in context $ Written by In Michael K. Spencer requested an analysis of his dystopian predictions of an AI controlled globe and future. Let’s start with the assumptions and assertions: …there’s increasing evidence [that] AI: Accelerates wealth...
by traviskellerman | Oct 23, 2018 | The Future
We’ll All be Gardeners in the Future $ Written by In QuHarrison Terry of Inevitable Human dropped some profound futurism on what autonomous car networks will mean for urban farming via reclaimed parking lots and garages, ones no longer needed after car ownership...
by traviskellerman | Oct 16, 2018 | The Future
What will Intention Interfaces look like?(Ask A Futurist series, #5) $ Written by In Set our intention, control the outcomes. This is how we talk to AI and learning machines AI systems are taking on more automatable reasoning. We hand over decisions we deem...
by traviskellerman | Sep 11, 2018 | Philosophy, The Future
The Regulation of Crypto is a Failure of Tech Philosophy $ Written by In Watch an ant colony. It adapts automatically. When a heavy rain washes away a hill, the ants rebuild and reroute, somehow communicating rapidly across the entire population. They grow until the...
by traviskellerman | Sep 10, 2018 | The Future
Reddit is a “Crowdsourced Relevancy Engine” $ Written by In TLDR; A former Redditor shares how millions of anonymous comments and users show our collective human preferences Luis Bitencourt-Emilio dropped out of Machine Learning, and formal education, in 2004. ML had...