by traviskellerman | Nov 19, 2020 | Sustainability
The Electric Vehicle Highway of America, built by the States $ Written by In In 2019, it wasn’t clear that Biden would be President. After the lack of COVID response and leadership by the Federal government, it seemed dubious that the Feds would be building an EV...
by traviskellerman | Nov 4, 2020 | Sustainability
Confluence Over Compromise in Climate Change $ Written by Travis Kellerman In “70% of greenhouse gas emissions are generated by 100 companies.” I first heard this statement in the summer of 2017. The shock of it started a feedback loop in my head. Three simple,...
by traviskellerman | Jun 8, 2020 | Philosophy, Roadtrip Americana
Through Furious Desert Rains We Go $ Written by Travis Kellerman In The sun started in the canyon It passed over the green peaks, spilling down and filling up the valley. Laguna’s disparities and eccentricities began to wake up. Nina had fallen back to sleep, in the...
by traviskellerman | Jun 7, 2020 | Philosophy
Venture Capital has a Language problem $ Written by In The wave of calls for inclusion and change has begun to rise from the moat over the high castle walls of venture capital. In the current state, one-percent, that’s 1%, of venture-backed companies have a...
by traviskellerman | Jun 4, 2019 | The Future
Evil Digital Twins $ Written by In “This group has a 72% conversion if shown Series 12B.” “72? No. We need to sell 5,000 more by EOD to hit target, right? Ok, run the top twin categories again. Find 8,000, to be safe, and add a decent mood shift tolerance. I want at...