Jun 14, 2018 | The Future

Meta-Trends of the Future (Ask a Futurist series, #2)

Jun 14, 2018 | The Future


Written by Travis Kellerman

Travis Kellerman and Kurt Cagle go meta, beyond the current trends, to indulge in the abstract philosophy between the world of science fiction and shifts in human consciousness. Let’s get weird. This is #2 in FutureSin’s Ask A Futurist series.


Prompt 1: Imagine a human cultural scene of the late 21st century. What is happening and why?

Travis: I see a game show. Contestants are brain-scanned to reveal traumas and triggers. They choose to revisit these specific dysfunctions and old programming, to confront them and resolve them in moments of deeply vulnerable and honest humanity. What could be more real, more profound?

When shows like Jeopardy have been made silly — unfairly dominated by Watson or any modified human contestant — we will seek real human expression and demonstrations of emotional intelligence and adaptation.

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