

the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

I consider philosophy neither an “academic discipline” nor an exclusive way of thinking.    A peer of mine noted that her discipline (sociology, the study of social problems) is dominated by women, and that philosophy has been seen as a space for men.  But philosophy is in everyone.  Marx, Kant, Aristotle, Descartes—yes, these are the names of relatively-wealthy men.  How strange then, if philosophers seek to know the truth of the human condition and the problems seeking solution in sociology, the famous ones have been insulated from many of the common problems of human society—at least when they had the time and space to philosophize

Listen closely.  Philosophy is available to anyone with the time and space and luxury to think. And for those surviving the day, great wisdom lies in the philosophy of survival.    

Everyone has a philosophy of their own.  It is a continuous practice of understanding and questioning the world.  Mine is the product of the many:  the accumulation of lessons, imagination, conversations, reading, love, and woe.  I share snippets of my philosophy to hear the response of others, which often reveals their own.  

Some of my Philosophy:


Venture Capital has a Language problem

Venture Capital has a Language problem

The wave of calls for inclusion and change has begun to rise from the moat over the high castle walls of venture capital. In the current state, one-percent, that's 1%, of venture-backed companies have a black founder. 81% of VC funds don't even have a single black...

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